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Leadership Team

Catholic Polytechnic is led by our co-founder and current president, Dr. Jennifer Nolan. She is supported by our Vice President of Operations, Mr. Jeff Hilger, and our director and professor of computer science, Dr. John Tran.

Board of Directors

Board of Advisors

Join the Team


There is a moment in the life of any aspiring astronomer when it comes time to buy that first telescope. Take your first step by joining the Catholic Polytechnic faculty, combining your Catholic faith with your STEM career. Please send your resume to​​

Non-Discrimination Policy: Catholic Polytechnic University is committed to complying with all applicable laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age, including but not limited to hiring, student admissions, programs, and scholarships.

Catholic Polytechnic University provides a Los Angeles-based Catholic college education, enabling students, faculty, and researchers to achieve their goals and conduct research without compromising their principles, as a strong voice in a world that often suppresses religious expression.

Catholic Polytechnic University is a Catholic institution of higher education and research, uniting academic freedom in the quest for scientific, technological, engineering, and business expertise with the enduring truths of the Catholic faith.

Catholic Polytechnic is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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