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About Us

Giving Glory to God Through Science, Technology and Engineering

​Contrary to modern-day popular belief, there are no contradictions between faith and science. This is reinforced by historical tradition: for centuries, the Catholic Church has been at the forefront of science and technology.

In that tradition, a faithful Catholic STEM institution should demonstrate how faith and science intermingle, developing education and innovation that is all the more necessary in our modern world. We know that the more we learn of creation, the more we learn of our Creator.

Catholic Polytechnic University is a nonprofit Catholic institution of higher education and research, seeking to promote the intersection of faith and science as seen through the lens of faithful Catholic teachings.

Catholic Polytechnic unites academic freedom in the quest for scientific, technological, engineering, and business expertise, with the enduring truths of the Catholic faith.

Our Mission

Advancing the evangelical mission of the Catholic Church entrusted to her by Christ through the formation of scientists, engineers, and technology leaders with expertise in business, communications, and theology.

Our Vision

Our primary goal is top job placement in business and polytechnic careers. We hope to place at least 85% of Catholic Polytechnic graduates in career-driven business, science, or tech jobs or graduate schools.

We have designed our curriculum to instill critical thinking and writing skills; deeper faith, understanding, and appreciation of Catholic theology; business skills; general knowledge of several polytechnic fields; and expertise in at least one polytechnic field.

Our Story

In 2016, Mr. Christopher Plance, theology teacher and graduate of Franciscan University, incorporated a school called Saint Junipero Serra University with the goal of creating a faithfully Catholic university based in Los Angeles, CA. At the same time, Dr. Jennifer Nolan began to develop a vision for a polytechnic Catholic university with STEM degrees. 


In 2019, Plance and Nolan joined forces and renamed Saint Junipero Serra University to Catholic Polytechnic University, reflecting a shared vision of a faithfully Catholic school that would offer degrees to an underserved sector of Catholic STEM students. Nolan became the president at this time. 


In 2020, Los Angeles Archbishop Jose Gomez granted his approval, blessing, and letter of support to the leadership team. That fall, we offered our inaugural Cybersecurity course to a class of online students.


In 2021, after creating curriculum and infrastructure, CPU formally submitted the licensing application package to the Bureau for Private and Post-Secondary Education (BPPE) to become a university and offer B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science.


In 2022, with the board of directors' approval, we launched the subsidiary Catholic Polytechnic Institute with a focus on conducting science and engineering research in cutting-edge areas, such as high performance computing, meta learning cognition, cybersecurity, and quantum computing.


In December 2023, we received formal approval from the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) to offer a Bachelor of Science and Masters of Science in Computer Science.


In Fall 2024, we began offering courses through an online academy to high school students,

instructing in PreCalculus and Theology. 


In 2025, doors will open for classes for the BS and MS in Computer Science.

Catholic Polytechnic In the News

Women in Science Day The Drew Mariani Show on Relevant Radio, February 19, 2021.​

The Catholic Current Podcasts July 18, 2019, and Jan 27, 2021.​

Integrating Faith & Science at Catholic Polytechnic University Inside the Vatican Magazine, October 13, 2020.

Undivided Intention with Jeff Schiefelbein on Guadalupe Radio Network, September 20, 2020.​

Can a scientist and homeschool mom build a college? Purpose Nation Podcast, Episode 27 - February 21, 2020.​

Catholic Polytechnic University with Jennifer Nolan, Ph.D. Wordnet Productions, February 10, 2020.​

The Executive Disciple, episodes #42, January 16, 2020 and #43, January 22, 2020.​

​​Who Needs a Catholic Polytechnic University? We Do! The Catholic Current July 18, 2019.​

Catholic Polytechnic University provides a Los Angeles-based Catholic college education, enabling students, faculty, and researchers to achieve their goals and conduct research without compromising their principles, as a strong voice in a world that often suppresses religious expression.

Catholic Polytechnic University is a Catholic institution of higher education and research, uniting academic freedom in the quest for scientific, technological, engineering, and business expertise with the enduring truths of the Catholic faith.

Catholic Polytechnic is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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