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Evaluating Magisterial Propositions
Winter/Spring 2025
Course 3 of 3 for the Magisterial Theology Certificate

Michael Lofton, Adjunct Professor (

Course Description: This course will enable students to evaluate magisterial documents issued by popes, dicasteries, and councils, distinguishing their levels of authority and theological weight. Through guided analysis of key texts, this course equips students with tools to understand and critically engage with the Church's teaching tradition.

● February 3rd to April 7th
● Every Monday
● 7:30-8:45 PM Central Daylight Time
● Recordings of each lesson will be posted the day after.



Course Outline:
1. General Principles Part 1
2. General Principles Part 2
3. Apostolic Constitutions
4. Encyclicals
5. Motu Proprios
6. Apostolic Letters
7. Apostolic Exhortations
8. Conciliar Documents Part 1

9. Conciliar Documents Part 2
10. Dicasterial Documents

Recommended reading:
Catechism of the Catholic Church
● Lawrence Jerome King, The Authoritative Weight of Non-
Definitive Magisterial Teaching

● Avery Dulles, SJ, Magisterium, Teacher and Guardian of the Faith
● Francis A. Sullivan, SJ, Magisterium: Teaching Authority in the
Catholic Church

● Francis A. Sullivan, SJ, Creative Fidelity: Weighing and
Interpreting Documents of the Magisterium

● Richard R. Gaillardetz, By What Authority?: Foundations for
Understanding Authority in the Church

● Jimmy Akin, Teaching with Authority

Quizzes: There will be ten quizzes throughout the course.

To register, click here.

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Catholic Polytechnic University provides a Los Angeles-based Catholic college education, enabling students, faculty, and researchers to achieve their goals and conduct research without compromising their principles, as a strong voice in a world that often suppresses religious expression.

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